Why Foodmodelmaker

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Welcome !! Dear Customers

If you are looking for food model  or made to order food model  for food , beverage ,desserts and fresh food model , you are now at the right place. Only you have idea and reference menu photo , we can create your idea to become real model as your requirements .

Customers can see our previous made to order works in this website. Our factory has more than 10 years experiences in food model industry and have produced more than 80,000 menu . We are professional and have expertise of making realistic and details models for restaurants , food operators , franchisee , food courts ,  leading food companies until small food street vendors.

Due to our experiences and works more than 10 years , we have plenty of molds on hand to serve as your requirements which bring benefits to you to have lower cost of production. Even 1 plate made to order is possible here, we can made your idea become real as food model. 

We are welcome any queries or questions to support your idea of food model making requirements.  Please feel free to contact us for further consultation and information.           

Our factory have great intention to produce every single model as best as we can with                                                                                          responsibility and experiences . Your satisfaction is our pride. That is why we have 
got                                                                                            reliability from customers along over 10 years. 



    • 20150716_142020.jpg
      FoodModelMaker We are in food model industry more than 10 years that is why we have expertises and professional in food model making as your requirements With our special know-h...

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